Monday, September 13, 2021

1. I called our paving contractor and explained that we cannot have 5 days gap between two stages of the project. This is because it restricts use of our driveway for 12-15 days (vs 7-10 announces earlier) and is way too many. Plus we are going to miss two trash pickup days.
Saidie, the scheduling coordinator from the Hatch company was understanding of our situation and said she would try to close the gap between stages for the project. This means they can ether move the whole project closer to 22nd of September or closer to the 27th. Or, perhaps, to move it to the next week.
I will follow up with the company one more time later this week to get actual dates.
Please stay tuned for updates.

2. Work on bathroom remodeling in unit 14 starts on Thursday, September 16th. The owner is aware that no loud work can be performed outside of work hours (9am to 5pm). I would assume there might be some noises from tile saw and power tools heard across the building.

Thank you