The drainage system is installed but not connected to the city drain yet. This work will require excavating the street and sidewalk and it should be done some day next week. We do not have information when it is scheduled.
Our driveway is leveled, covered with gravel, compacted and it is ready for paving. It is about 3 inches below the level of garage floor and sidewalk and it has several manhole risers with sharp edges.
This weekend you can drive on the driveway at your own risk and condo cannot be responsible for damages of your car or tires.
Parking and walking on the driveway is not permitted.
Thank you
Our driveway is leveled, covered with gravel, compacted and it is ready for paving. It is about 3 inches below the level of garage floor and sidewalk and it has several manhole risers with sharp edges.
This weekend you can drive on the driveway at your own risk and condo cannot be responsible for damages of your car or tires.
Parking and walking on the driveway is not permitted.
Thank you