subscribe and receive updates about our condo straight into your mailbox.
We would like to remind you that with our condo is located on a busy street and
not everybody who passes by is our friend.
Please take a look at these recent videos from our security cameras:
2020-07-29 4-09am Mailboxes visitor.mp4
2020-07-29 4-11am Driveway man.mp4
2020-07-31 1-56am Mailboxes sleeper.mp4
We ask you to be vigilant.
It is important to keep doors locked and gates closed. If you see packages left by the carriers in the mail
lobby, take a second and bring them in even if they are not addressed to you.
Please note that condo is not responsible for any items left in the garage.
We would recommend using locks for bikes.
Please reach out to Alex if you need more information on how it could be done.
Thank you