Saturday, October 29, 2022

Friday, October 21, 2022

Please help us with finding a source of a heavy drilling sounds at night

Recently many of our residents started hearing occasional and very loud “drilling” sounds in our building. The noises were first noticed about 4-5 weeks ago. They usually do not last longer than 30-60 seconds and happen in the middle of the night but not every night.

I spoke with residents of several units and they described them as “rattling”, “hammer drill”, “banging metal on metal”, “broken fan” and “construction work”. Everybody noticed that it was accompanied with a heavy vibration that could be sensed in the walls and floors.

The sound resonated across the whole structure and I confirmed this information with residents of seven units in different parts of the building and on all floors. The noises were so loud that many people were awoken by it.

On several occasions I heard the noises myself and even tried to find the source by running around the building but the noises were stopping before I could get closer.
I even checked our security cameras to see if I could see any activity in the building that might help with identifying the source but there was nothing recorded at the time of the noises.  
I think that noises were coming from one of the units.

If you heard the noises or know anything about their nature, please let Alex know.

Thank you

Thursday, October 13, 2022

What if you accidentally made a mess

What if you washed your clothes and when removing them from a washer you noticed there was a napkin inside and now it is spread into pieces and paper fibers all over the place in the laundry and at the elevator lobby?

Or, what if you spilled a coffee or a sugary drink on a carpet or in the elevator?

Or, what if you had contractors or movers delivering to your unit furniture or materials and they left behind dust and debris in our garage, elevator and carpets?

New tenants might not know that but in our condo we have a simple rule for these situations - clean up after yourself and leave common areas in the same condition as they before mess happened.
Just grab your cleaning supplies and a vacuum and tidy things up as you would do at home.

If a mess is big or too hard to clean up (like with spilled oil on garage floor or a full milk shake on a carpet) do not just walk away from the problem. Mark the spot with a cardboard or piece of paper or with a road cone (we have spares in the garage) so residents would be aware of the issue and would not step into it. This would stop the problem form spreading around and making the situation worse than it should be.

You can reach out to me if you my suggestion on specific cleaning supplies or cleaning techniques and we will figure something out.
The best way to contact would be by leaving me a note at my door or emailing me. I will get back to you the same day and when I am available.

Thank you