Friday, September 6, 2024

You can drive on the driveway at your own risk

The drainage system is installed but not connected to the city drain yet. This work will require excavating the street and sidewalk and it should be done some day next week. We do not have information when it is scheduled.
Our driveway is leveled, covered with gravel, compacted and it is ready for paving. It is about 3 inches below the level of garage floor and sidewalk and it has several manhole risers with sharp edges.
This weekend you can drive on the driveway at your own risk and condo cannot be responsible for damages of your car or tires.

Parking and walking on the driveway is not permitted.

Thank you 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Projects updates

Our driveway project is moving fast and the retaining wall was installed within 5 working days.
The next stage will be excavating the driveway, installing a drain system and connecting it to the city drain located under the street. The sidewalk will be opened up and then installed back.
It is very likely that we would not be able to drive on the driveway till all work is completed and new asphalt installed and cured for a few days.
We should expect small delays here and there because our contractor will be working closely with the city, police and a paving company.

We think it will take one more week till we can bring cars back to our parking. We apologize for the inconveniences and appreciate your cooperation.

Once the driveway project is completed we will start planning the next (and the last project) that will include masonry repairs, facade and windows resealing and painting balconies. It is not going very intense but might take a few months. Updates will follow.

Thank you

Friday, August 30, 2024

Building access during this weekend and Labor Day Holiday

Our contractor took a break for the long weekend and will be back on Tuesday, September 3rd at 7am.

It is OK to park inside during these days and please, wipe your shoes on the wet and then on the dry towel before entering carpeted area.

The driveway is covered with cement dust and if you want you can get out of the building through the garage door but, please, come back through the main entrance to protect carpets.
If you absolutely have to walk into the building through the garage, please, use shoe covers or thoroughly wipe your feet.

No visitors parking on the driveway.

Thank you

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Project updates, building access and cement dust

Project update:
We do not have enough space at our property to store all supplies and materials required for the retaining wall/driveway project. Our contractor depends on supplies and materials delivered here by trucks that come and go every hour.
Our contractor cannot tell in advance if they will be working during the long holiday or not because it will be up to the wall blocks supplier. If blocks are available for delivery the work on the project will continue.

Walking on dusty driveway
Our driveway is covered with construction debris and dirt. It is not safe to walk there at any time, even when the work stopped for the night.
There is a lot of cement dust there that sticks to the the shoes soles. To protect carpets from spreading dust by feet, please use the main entrance till the project is completed. We expect it to happen by mid September.
If you absolutely need to get into the building through the garage door, make sure to put shoe covers on.

We still have a few residents that try to use their cars leaving early in the morning and coming back late at night. We strongly advice all residents/owners to park their cars outside to stop dust getting into the garage area on the car tires.

Owners are required to keep common areas clean. Violators will be charged a cleaning fee if condo rules are not followed.

Thank you

Friday, August 23, 2024

Driveway project starts on Wednesday, August 28th

Finally, our contractor gave us the start date of the driveway/retaining wall project.
The project should take 2-3 weeks to complete but we will get more details once work starts.

If you use your car daily, please make sure to take it out before the workers are here (ETA is 6-7am).
A link to an alternative parking: Hancock Garage in downtown.

Thank you

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Limited access to the driveway on Tuesday morning from 7am to 10am

Skylight installation is now completed but our contractor would need to come over one more time to remove materials and tools from the roof.
We expect them to be here at 7am on Tuesday with a crane and trucks. This should take a couple hours if the weather is not too windy.
During crane operation access to the driveway might be restricted. Please plan accordingly and stay tuned for last minute updates (if any).
Thank you

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Driveway project starts around August 26 - 27th and further plans

After meeting with Sean Farrell Excavation company we confirmed their availability and their access to all materials required for our driveway/retaining wall project. The start date is tentatively set for Monday/Tuesday August 26/27.
We will announced the exact date in a few days after our skylight contractor finishes installation and removes their tools and materials from the roof by a crane.

There is a chance that during the project we might have intermittent access to our garage either very early in the morning or late at night when construction work is stopped. There is no guarantee when we might have access because it will depend on whether the company decides to work on the retaining wall first or on the driveway. They said that they might use metal plates for us to drive on but it is not guaranteed.

We should have more precise information on day-by-day access a day in advance. If you need your car daily we recommend finding a parking spot outside of our building.
Construction work might take 2-3 weeks and a lot will depend on how the excavation will be going and if they run into a ledger, it might take extra time to remove.

Right after the driveway project is completed there will be another project starting early in September. It will be for masonry repairs, building facade waterproofing and balconies painting. It is hard to predict how long this project will take, most likely 2-3 months.

After all this is done, we should not expect any major repairs for a few year but fixing the backyard is still on our list and it will be covered by the special assessment #2 (it is the 100-dollars a month one). The backyard work can only be done after we get enough funds to hire a contractor. Backyard project will include restoring the drainage around perimeter of our underground garage roof and putting up a new fence. 

Smaller fixes that are at the maintenance level will be covered from our regular operations account funds.

Thank you