Saturday, October 12, 2024

Street work in front of our building on Monday, October 14th

We got a short notice from the City Building department and our contractor about a street work in front of our building.
On Monday, October 14th (Columbus Holiday) they will be connecting our new drain system to the city storm line located under the street. Thomas Burgin Parkway is a busy street and the City would like to take advantage of a low traffic during the coming holiday.

During this day they will excavate the street diagonally from our driveway, connect our drain and patch the street with new asphalt. We expect all this work will be completed within one day.

Thank you for your patience.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Masonry repairs project starts on Thursday October 3rd

Our contractor gets ready with tools and materials and they should be starting on Thursday, October 3rd.
They will start from repairing retaining walls (re-pointing, drainage and cap stones) and we will know more about their plans on facade repair and balcony painting soon.

Our driveway will be busy but we do not expect access problems.

Thank you

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Masonry repairs and building waterproofing project starts next week

We have one more restoration project scheduled for this year. It is for masonry repairs, building waterproofing and balconies painting.
It is tentatively scheduled to start on Monday or Tuesday next week (September 30th or October 1st).

As of today, we do not know where our contractor will start their work and how long it will take to compete the project. Hopefully, we will get that information soon after they begin.

We do not expect serious problems with building access but, on the days when the balconies above the garage gates will be painted, access to the driveway might be limited.

Please stay tuned for updates.
Thank you

Friday, September 13, 2024

Driveway will be open on Sunday morning

Our driveway will be fully open for foot and car traffic on Sunday early morning (September 15th).

Thank you

Monday, September 9, 2024

Paving is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, September 12th

It looks like the driveway paving is tentatively scheduled for Thursday this week.
If all goes as planned the asphalt would need 72 hours to cure (to harden) before we can start driving on it. During curing the driveway will not be accessible at all.
Please expect the driveway to be open on Sunday night (September 15th).

Also, there is a chance that the street/sidewalk part of our project will be done on Tuesday or Wednesday this week and before paving. It is for connecting our new drainage system to the city drain.

Please stay tuned for latest updates and do not forget to wipe your feet before entering the building from the garage because the floor gets dusty with fine soil flying in every time when the gates get open.

We are almost done.
Thank you for your patience

Friday, September 6, 2024

You can drive on the driveway at your own risk

The drainage system is installed but not connected to the city drain yet. This work will require excavating the street and sidewalk and it should be done some day next week. We do not have information when it is scheduled.
Our driveway is leveled, covered with gravel, compacted and it is ready for paving. It is about 3 inches below the level of garage floor and sidewalk and it has several manhole risers with sharp edges.
This weekend you can drive on the driveway at your own risk and condo cannot be responsible for damages of your car or tires.

Parking and walking on the driveway is not permitted.

Thank you 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Projects updates

Our driveway project is moving fast and the retaining wall was installed within 5 working days.
The next stage will be excavating the driveway, installing a drain system and connecting it to the city drain located under the street. The sidewalk will be opened up and then installed back.
It is very likely that we would not be able to drive on the driveway till all work is completed and new asphalt installed and cured for a few days.
We should expect small delays here and there because our contractor will be working closely with the city, police and a paving company.

We think it will take one more week till we can bring cars back to our parking. We apologize for the inconveniences and appreciate your cooperation.

Once the driveway project is completed we will start planning the next (and the last project) that will include masonry repairs, facade and windows resealing and painting balconies. It is not going very intense but might take a few months. Updates will follow.

Thank you